The Ethics of Eating

As unique beings we all have different hopes, fears, conditioning, expectations, and agendas around our health and our relationship to food and eating. Over the years of teaching and doing nutritional counseling, I have found it valuable to establish my own set of personal ethics in regards to my health and that of the planet.

Seize the Summer: Ayurvedic tips to keep cool and stay balanced during the summer months

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Melina Meza, RYT-500, BS Nutrition In the world of Ayurveda, we are now in the summer season (June-August), which means whenever summer arrives in your geographical location, you will have a stronger…

Right Here, Right Now: Eating Mindfully and Applying Atha to Your Practice – by Melina Meza

Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Melina Meza, RYT-500, BS Nutrition I’ve been deeply inspired in my daily life by the very first sutra in the classic text called Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The arrangement in which the…

News Report: Organic food no healthier, but is that all that matters…

You've probably already seen the news story reporting researchers' findings that organic food has little to no nutritional or health value over good old-fashioned give-me-all-the-pesticides-you-can-take food.  Even still, armed with that knowledge, my eating habits won't change much since about…