Riddled with Wonder: How to Incorporate Koan Meditation into Your Practice and Your Life

By Dr. Kaiya Ansorge What is a koan? A koan is a phrase or word that is used in meditation to train the mind. Usually, the koan is somewhat puzzling in order to invite the mind to open in unusual ways. In fact, the term is often translated as “riddle.” Koan…

Lessons in Love: Practical Advice from the Yoga Mat

By Melissa Bryan Lead With Love Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all. Valentine’s Day…

Find Peace During Pandemic Uncertainty with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

By Shanti Kaur Khalsa The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world far more uncertain. It’s impacted our work and finances, our relationships, and of course, our physical and mental health. Finding the sense of surety we all crave is almost…

5 Ways Meditation Makes Us Better at Yoga

Meditation. Yoga. The two go together like Batman & Robin (though with less capes… usually). As spiritual health practices that have both found popularity in the West over the past 50 years, we tend to lump yoga and meditation together.…

3 Mantras to Build Your Self-Love

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” Buddha. Self-love. We all need more of it. The teachings of yoga are big on self-love because of one spiritual truth: you cannot fully love others until you fully…

4 Easy Steps to Help You Get Back Into a Workout Routine

By Dr. Natasa Brasik Some things are easier said than done, especially if your fitness routine falls by the wayside. If you haven’t worked out for a while, here are some useful tips and tricks to help you get back…